Spring Cleaning

May 22, 2019

So you have probably already realized by now if you are an active reader, that I love to organize. Tbh being a professional organizer is my dream job. Butttt when it comes to physically cleaning my apartment I have a strong distaste for the chore. I mean who really enjoys getting sweaty, kicking up dust, and really scrubbing a shower clean? I would love to meet the person. So with that being said, cleaning your home is essential in my opinion to living an organized, and healthy lifestyle! I will be sharing some of my tips and favorite products I use today that help keep my place spic and span!

Tip #1: Do NOT let your space get disgustingly out of control. Like I mentioned, cleaning is the worst chore of them all but if you let it build up it is even more of a pain and even more vile LOL. My rule of thumb is to deep clean every inch of my apartment once every month. Of course you will maintenance clean throughout the month, but planning out a slow weekend day where you can really deep clean your space and keep everything nice and clean is essential!

Tip #2: Stay committed to cleaning once you have started. I am notorious for being side tracked when starting a task if I have a million other things on my to do list. Try to minimize the noise as you are working on cleaning. I prefer to listen to a podcast so I don’t keep stopping to watch whatever is on the TV and then never finish the job.

Tip #3: I love to light a candle as I clean to keep the good clean smells going, and to try to enjoy and relax doing my least favorite thing ever. Its all about the ambiance right?!

Tip #4: Don’t let things pile up. This is more advice for cleaning the physical objects you could leave laying around your house. I was raised to always pick up after myself and also had a mom that was very organized and tidy so this honestly comes natural to me. You want to feel good in your space you live in so if you put something down in a room and then go to leave the room, PICK YOUR STUFF UP. This makes the tasks at hand not so overwhelming if you just maintain your space.

Tip #5: Find products that get the job done! Here is a breakdown of what I like to use and why!

  • Smartly All Purpose Cleaner: YALL if you love the Volcano candle from Anthropologie then you need this cleaner!!! This is no joke it smells almost EXACTLY like the Volcano candle, now that is something that can get me in the mood for cleaning! Me and my roommate keep this under the sink and use it to wipe down any hard surfaces after cooking etc.
  • Smartly Dish Soap: Same thing with this guy, smells just like the Volcano candle! Its super tiny but it is less than $1!! I mean come on who can beat that?!
  • Windex: I hope I do not need to explain why I use this
  • Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner: Love this for cleaning the toilet and shower. Super attractive conversation we are having isn’t it?!
  • Clorox Wipes: I mean if you don’t have these in your house what are you doing?! Great for quick clean ups. Just so easy. I suggest you make sure all the men in your life has this because a wipe is simple enough for them to be able to handle cleaning something up LOL.
  • Follain Soap: I have talked about this awesome new brand Follain on my Instagram before, but it is a new clean beauty brand I have fallen in love with! They have a refillable soap program and offer several different scents. My favorite is the lemongrass. The cool thing too is you can use this for hands and body so you could add one to your shower too! I love having this in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Sponges/Sponges with handle: Obviously used in the kitchen sink. I also like the sponge I have with a handle for when I am cleaning my shower. Tip given to me from my Mom because that’s my least favorite spot to clean hands down.

Hope these tips and tricks helped you as we finish our spring cleaning timeframe! How do you like to keep your space nice and shiny?!

By admin

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