This year I was so thankful to get back to reading! Life can be so busy and crazy which can lead to not picking up a book and relaxing. This year with quarantine, being furloughed for several months, and just the general slower pace of life, I was able to read 24 books!! I can honestly say I think this was one of the highlights of my year being able to immerse myself in something I love to do so much. For 2021 I would love to hit the same goal of 24 books in the year so fingers crossed I can keep up the pace and carve out time for reading each night!
As I have covered quarterly recaps this year, I am going to wrap up the last 4 months of the year and with my final recap! My other book recaps for the year will be linked below for reference to read the recaps for my top 5 books of the year! What was your favorite book this year?

September-December Book Recap
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: For some reason it was hard for me to get into the very beginning of this book but after I got a quarter of the way in I couldn’t put it down! The Hating game is a classic kind of book I love. Set in New York in the publishing industry, two co workers who hate each other start to realize there may be more behind the reason of their hate… I’m sure you see where this is going! It was such a light and fun read and the book is being made into a movie so I cannot wait to see the plot come to life!!
The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa R Sloan: I heard of this book through the Readheads which is a book club podcast and Instagram! I was enticed to pick it up since the book surrounds a 2000’s pop girls group and how the rise of fame can destruct your relationships and life. The main character of the book is Cassidy, and starts with the news of her suicide. You go through current day with the other band members as well as back in time to understand the rise and fall of the girl group GLOSS.
The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall: A seemingly perfect family’s life was turned upside down by a damning allegation against their father. Once viewed as a hero, their father is now put in jail and the family is split on what they believe. I loved this book because it shows how life can change in a split second, and that no one is perfect, everyone has demons or secrets. I could not put the book down it was a page turner!

Favorite Books of 2020
Central Park Pact Series by Lauren Layne
The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn
The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa R Sloan
The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall
Past Book Recaps
I cannot wait to read a whole slew of books this new year! Send all the recommendations my way on what I need to add to my reading list!