Get to Know Ana of @ana_nava

June 24, 2021

This month’s blogger spotlight is Ana! I have followed Ana close to 2 years now and have loved following along for her killer fashion finds and adorable home decor! Her office is a dream! I also have seen the amazing growth she has had on Instagram in the 2 years of following her and it is so impressive! To follow along with Ana and get all the inspiration from fashion to home, check her Instagram out here as well as her blog! Now let’s get to know Ana!

Q: Tell me about your blog & what your blog focuses on?

A: I’m a Seattle based fashion blogger who focuses on everyday style, closet staples, & styling tips.

Q: Is blogging your profession or just a hobby?

A: Started off as a hobby but it is now my profession. 

Q: What inspired you to start your blog?

A: I always dreamed of starting a blog, but was too shy to take the step. When we finally moved to WA, I just went for it!

Q: How do you manage time to run your blog effectively?

A: I’m a huge planner, so every Sunday I sit down to plan out my week and time block everything I have to get done. 

Q: Where do you look for inspiration?

A: Pinterest is my favorite spot to look for inspiration.

Q: What blogger has been most inspirational to you?

A: Oh there’s no many, but a few of my favorites are Dani Austin & Dede Raad. 

Q: What have you gained from creating this community?

A: The most supportive group of empowering women. This community that we have built is so much more than what I could’ve ever imagined. 

Q: How much time do you spend blogging each week?

A: Depends what you categorize as blogging, but this being my full time job I spend about 50+ hours every week. 

Q: Who takes the majority of your photos?

A: My amazing husband takes all of my photos. 

Q: Camera or iPhone pics?

A: iPhone pictures for sure. 

Q: What is your favorite social media platform and why?

A: Instagram is my favorite, but I recently started my YouTube channel so I’ve been spending a lot of time on there. 

Q: Do you have any advice for people looking to start a blog or growing content creators?

A: JUST. DO. IT! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Q: Where do you see yourself in the blogging community in 5 years?

A: Hopefully still being a full time blogger. I love sharing my life, outfits, and sales so I hope it never goes away!

Now let’s get to know Ana on a personal level!

Q: Where are you from?

A: Mexico

Q: What is your proudest achievement?

A: Graduating collage & getting to work with my dream brand. 

Q: Where is your favorite place to shop and why?

A: Target, because they have EVERYTHING. Even stuff you didn’t know you needed lol 

Q: Who was your first style icon?

A: My mom and aunt, when I was little I always wanted to dress like them. 

Q: How would you describe your personal style?

A: I feel like I have two different styles, I either want to wear the girliest pink dress or throw on a monochromatic loungewear set. 

Q: What is your dream vacation and why?

A: Spain, it’s on my bucket list. I want to experience their culture, food, language, & architecture!

Q: Favorite food?

A: Mexican food forever. 

Q: Favorite TV Show or Movie?

A: I have a few but my go to show is always Friends. 

Q: Favorite genre of music?

A: I used to say ALL except country music but I recently discovered I actually do like it. 

Q: Stay in or go out?

A: I love both, depends on my mood to be honest. 

Q: What is something people don’t know about you that they do not see on social media?

A: I don’t think many people know that I used to be a teacher before I took blogging full time. 

Q: As you know, red is my power color and I love to hear others! What is your power color and why?

A: Pink is my power color, it makes me feel super happy and confident. 

By admin

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