Honestly I think my closet is one of my favorite places in my apartment. Stepping into my closet gets me excited to experiment with clothes, express my fashion, and feel my best self! Now I know that not everyone is as extra as me, BUT it is so refreshing to have a clean and organized closet. It makes getting dressed and looking for pieces you love that much easier. For my Virgo personality if my closet is not pristine I might go crazy. So today I am going to share with you the tips and tricks I have learned over the years to keep my closet clean and accessible!
First things first before you start cleaning your closet, you need to purge the excess that you no longer need! I feel like I have covered this a lot on the blog before, but keeping your closet fresh with things you actually reach for is very important. If you kept everything in your closet from way back when and you haven’t touched it in years, it makes you feel like you have many options when getting dressed, but in reality you dislike your whole wardrobe. I like to clean my closet out twice a year. Once in the fall and once in the spring.
Once I have cleaned my closet out I start a list of either trendy pieces I am on the lookout for, or basics that I need to replenish in my closet. This helps me from purchasing the same kind of pieces over and over and makes my closet very versatile when looking for an outfit.
Now onto organizing! A clean and aesthetically pleasing closet is truly music to my ears. Over the years I have tried many different methods and organizational items, especially when moving into new apartments and having to adapt to the way the closet is arranged. Overall I like to keep my clothes organized by type and then by color. So for the first section shown above I start with cardigans, move into body suits/basic long sleeves, flannels, and then sweaters. Within those categories they are color coated so I can easily find what I need! My jackets follow the same method. I keep my long coats in my coat closet since I do not have much long hanging space in this closet.
Now this section took awhile for me to find the method I like the most. My tops are organized by workout tops, basic tees, graphic tees, short sleeve, blouses and then tank tops. Just like my other areas of my closet they are then color coordinated within their grouping. For my jeans and work pants I like to have them hung on pant hangers so I can see them. I personally do not love putting things in drawers. I like to be able to see my pieces and not forget about them in a drawer. Obviously everything cannot be hung so I keep my jean shorts, leggings, and sweatpants in my dresser.
Moving onto shoes, it took me awhile to find the best storage solution in this closet. Before my old apartment had more hanging space for shoe organizers so I had to find an alternative option. These shoe shelves have worked wonders since they are low and hold all of my heels, wedges and loafers. If you did not have hanging items here or do not care if your clothes hang over shoes, you could also stack another organizer on top!

On the side that allows long hanging items I keep all of my dresses, jumpsuits and skirts. Below them I have used this plastic storage container that my mom covered with fabric to hold all of my t shirts and running shorts. Above the hanging area I utilized shelf dividers to keep my sweaters, sweatshirts and scarves all organized.

Some simple storage for my sandals and more casual tennis shoes nothing fancy! And my hats are hung with command hooks that are easy to remove and add!
To wrap the whole closet up I keep all of my accessories in this built in storage unit. I recently moved some of my jewelry into this area and love how it looks! I love styling these shelves as a decorative piece as well adding some frames and luxury boxes on display. Like I mentioned before, I tend to use things more when I can see them so I use acrylic pieces to make my items more of a display piece.
The most important part of organizing your closet is finding the method that works the best in your life. Wether you like to get ready by color or no order at all! It’s all about experimenting and finding the right fit for you.