Let’s take a trip down memory lane of the ghosts of Halloween’s past!! Sharing some of my favorite Halloween costumes through out the years! I sadly haven’t been able to dress up the past 3 years but still love looking and pining costume ideas for the day I finally get to dress up again schedule permitting! Check out my Pinterest for even more fun ideas!
Girls Around the World- 2012
Back to Senior year of high school! We decided to go with the girls around the world theme. I think the below costumes are pretty self explanatory of what countries we were dressed up as LOL. We also had friends dressed up as Sweden, Mexico and Italy. Such a fun and honestly simple way to make a group costume! My friend Susie used duct tape to create the British flag on her dress, Britt utilized items in her wardrobe, and I was extra and got my outfit online haha what’s new?! You could easily pull off America by wearing red white and blue from your closet!

Holidays- 2014
Pinterest for the win! We decided to go as Holidays one of the Halloween nights our Sophomore year of college. Valentines Day, Fourth of July and St Patricks Day. We each utilized clothes in our wardrobe and spent the money on creating accessories. My top hat is actually a black foam coozie on a headband with Shamrock stickers! I used this foam coozie method 3 times in college alone to make accessories! First a top hat for a snowman costume freshman year, this costume and one more you will see below!

Three Blind Mice- 2014
Now this is probably the most basic costume from this time period but was the easiest thing to pull off when you don’t want to spend a lot of money or have several nights to dress up. We utilized black outfits from our closet as well as sunglasses. We bought the ears cheap at a party store and created our walking sticks by painting wooden dowels from Hobby Lobby! You can accomplish this costume with less that $15!

Fruit- 2015
Another super easy, and not to mention comfortable costume! We had even more friends as fruits rounding out our fruit basket! Kiwis, grapes etc. Get a plain tee, paint on your fruits details and throw on a pair of nike shorts! We just used felt on a headband for the head pieces and for height on the pineapple hat use a coozie in the middle (I’m telling you its the best trick)!

Alice in Wonderland- 2015
HANDS DOWN my favorite costume EVER. I mean how cool is this group costume?! We definitely went out with a bang our senior year and spent more money on this costume, but still kept it affordable! Here is the last costume I utilized my foam coozie trick to make my crown for the Queen of Hearts. I also made my heart wand with a wooden dowel and cut out felt for the heart. My mom helped me add details to my skirt. I purchased a red skirt from Amazon and then she sewed on black and white felt hearts. The majority of the other costumes were all purchased, or the basics were from our closets. The Cheshire cat and Alice dresses were made by our friend Izzy (the cat herself) how cool?!

Parks and Rec: Janet Snakehole & Burt Macklin- 2016
My first couples costume! Connor and I were obsessed with Parks and Rec at the time and knew we had to pull off the costume from the show! If I do say so myself it turned out pretty accurate! Only thing we needed to buy that wasn’t in our wardrobe was my headpiece and his jacket. I bought my headpiece on Amazon, and his jacket was a find from a thrift shop. We just added the FBI letters with yellow tape!
What ideas are you brewing up for this Halloween?! I would also love to know your favorite costume to date!!