I truly cannot believe it has been 1 whole year since I started From Red to Toe! This year has opened so many doors, connected me to so many new amazing people and provided me an outlet to express myself. We all need that outlet to unwind and have fun with and I am happy to say I have found mine. If you haven’t checked out the From Red to Toe story, do it now! I explain how the blog name came to be and the importance it holds in my heart.

If you are new around here, you might not know that I actually had a blog in college with one of my dear friends Liberty. We started out blog Junior year and sadly decided to close the chapter a few months after graduating college. Trust me it isn’t very easy having a duo blog with someone hours away AND trying to figure out where our new found adult life was taking us. About 2 years after we closed the chapter on our blog, I decided I was finally ready to start my own. I missed the creativity and going out on photo shoots etc. All of my friends know how much I LOVE taking pictures. Me and my friends in high school would even go and do photoshoots just for fun. Trust me I have some throwback GEMS from these shoots, maybe you will all be lucky enough to see some one day.
I was soooo nervous to start my own blog. I didn’t know what people would think, if anyone would care, what kind of time commitment I would need to put forth into the blog. All these questions spun around in my head for quite some time. With the encouragement of my friends and family I decided to just go for it. I bought my domain name and started building my website. Let me tell you, It isn’t as simple as buying a website and then taking off. I had to learn how to build a website, how to connect my accounts to the website, the list goes on and on. I basically felt like I had become an IT wiz. It took me around 2 months to build all of my platforms and get content ready. One thing I wanted to be sure of when I launched From Red to Toe is I would be consistent. Not just launch and leave.
With the help of my work friend, now lifelong friend Megan, we partnered up together and began shooting content for the blog. Megan was starting her photography side hustle and I was starting my blogging side hustle. Match made in heaven to help each other grow and assist in each others businesses. Her consistency helped me be able to put the time commitment question at rest. I now wouldn’t have to make Connor or my best friends go out and take pictures. The fun that we have on these shoots keeps me going. Megan is always willing to try any idea and pushes me to try concepts I question or are outside of my comfort zone.

I have learned so much about myself and the stigmas around bloggers in this past year. A lot of people don’t get why bloggers do what they do. I can’t speak for them all, but I can truly say that this is my life passion. I love sharing fashion, beauty and home inspiration with all my friends and family, so why not share it with the world?! I have had so many highs and lows this year. Highs of working with some AMAZING companies, making the sweetest friends and having a BALL while doing it. I try not to let the lows get me down. The Instagram algorithm and why are people not seeing my posts? Why am I not gaining as many followers as I think my content deserves? It all can weigh on you as a creator. But it is these highs and the passion I have that keeps me pushing and tells myself that numbers in likes and followers doesn’t define me or From Red to Toe. It’s the content that I produce and that I am proud of that does define me.
If there is one thing I would love to convey about blogging is it isn’t easy. I know that sounds ridiculous to some as it looks like it is just pretty photos, buying clothes and then telling someone else to buy it. But it’s not. A lot of work goes behind the scenes. Emails with companies, planning captions, analyzing what photos resonated with your audience, writing blog posts, planning out your shoots and content, looking for inspiration for your shoots, the list goes on and on. With all of this being said, support the content creators that you love through liking, commenting and sending words of encouragement if you like what someone is doing. It is those things that makes me do what I do.
So thank you to all of those that have been with me on this year long journey. I cannot wait for many more milestones, memories, and adding many more red lipsticks to my collection 😉