Its no secret I am a skincare junkie! I love researching what ingredients benefit my sensitive skin, and the same logic doesn’t stop with skincare tools. I love being able to give myself an at home spa experience and help combat skincare issues myself! I have covered and mentioned some of these tools in the past, but I have added several new ones to the arsenal and wanted to do a deep dive into the benefits on each tool and why I use them. Are there any I am missing in my collection?!

Ice Roller: I love this thing! And its an Amazon find so super affordable! I get super hot when I sleep so when I wake up in the morning I love to use the ice roller to cool my face down and help with de puffing. Ice rollers are claimed to help with pore size, lymphatic drainage, reducing redness from breakouts, and is a helpful aid in your anti-aging routine. I personally like it for the lymphatic drainage element and it really helps in the morning before I put on makeup!
DERMAPORE Pore Extractor & Serum Infuser: This tool intrigued me as soon as it hit the market this year. I got this during quarantine while I was experimenting with skincare. The DERMAPORE two-in-one ultrasonic skincare device unclogs pores and infuses your favorite skincare products, resulting in the appearance of smaller pores and a healthier-looking complexion. I saw reviews on YouTube for this product and knew I had to get my hands on it to help with my pores on my nose. They easily become congested and I struggle with keeping this area clear. Honestly if you like popping pimples (TMI I know) you will love this. Its gross and satisfying at the same time to see all the gunk come out of your pores but your skin feels so good after!
GloPRO Micro Needling Tool: I have talked about this tool countless times on the blog, and its hands down one of my favorites! This tool uses microneedles to glide over the skin, the skin’s natural rejuvenation response is ignited, supporting cells to restore volume and glow from the inside out. It also uses LED red-light therapy and microcurrent stimulation to help stimulate cellular turnover and magnify results. I followed the Beauty Bio Instagram account along with the founder Jamie O’Banion for several months watching and learning about the benefits. I HIGHLY suggest checking their tutorials out and learning more about the products. It helps produce collagen and also makes your skincare products sink into the skin which gives you the added benefits instead of the products just sitting on the top of your skin. This is a great Christmas gift as they come out with so many sets during this time. Also they usually have them on sale during the Nordstrom sale if you want to wait for a discount! You can also get body, eye and lip attachments as well as a brand new scalp roller I am dying to try that helps produce hair growth!
Uplift Beauty Roller: If any of you are into YouTube beauty gurus you might have seen Tati talk about this on her channel. Its kind of ridiculous for the price it is, but I grabbed it when it was 50% off at Ulta on one of their beauty steals sales! The Uplift Massaging Beauty Roller is an innovative beauty tool for the face and body featuring a unique hexagon shape that holds 24 massaging stones to temporarily energize, enhance, revive, and uplift your skin. It helps with firmness of the skin, dull and uneven texture as well as fine lines and wrinkles. I really like using this on my neck and the shape of the roller makes it really easy to use under the chin as well. I have yet to try it on my legs or arms but need to do that soon! If you are getting into skincare tools, I would definitely just start with a jade roller first since it is more affordable, easing into the rolling rituals to see if you are committed and interested in upping your game!
Jade Roller: This was the first skincare tool I really dived deep in along with so many others. This was the HOT item several years ago. Jade Rolling helps to reduces facial puffiness, promotes drainage from the face, and relieves facial and jaw tension. Trust me the amount of research I have done on lymphatic drainage is out of control. When there’s any kind of obstruction in your lymphatic system, fluid can start to build up. You can use the jade roller to roll your face and then drag down your neck to help drain this fluid. I also like using a roller to work my skincare products into my skin and really let them absorb.
Facial Razor: I can honestly admit I tried this out after I watched Jaclyn Hill’s YouTube tutorial on this. Using a fine facial razor helps get rid of peach fuzz on your face for better makeup application as well as exfoliating your face! You have probably heard of this as Derma planning. You do need to be very careful! I have gone too fast before and gotten small cuts. Its self explanatory, shave your face like you shave your legs and be very careful, also making sure you get all areas so there is no left over peach fuzz.
Blemish Extractor: I just got this a few months ago and it has been a game changer! I am sooo bad at picking at my face anytime I see a little bump or clogged pore appear, I immediately try to clear the pore. This blemish extractor allows me to be sanitary and not use my nails on my skin which can cause nail marks, and obviously making the breakout worse. This tool is great and is used when you get a professional facial to help clear out any congestion in the pores. The small loop is for white heads and the flat side to extract blackheads. Obviously in general it isn’t great to pick at your face constantly, but this helps me keep my pores clear without irritating my skin!
Gua Sha: This is my most recent skincare tool purchase! To be honest I don’t know how necessary this is since I have a Jade roller and other roller tools, but I have always been interested by this concept and it was only $12 (perfect stocking stuffer)! It has the same concepts as Jade rolling helping inflammation and circulation but a different form and shape!