I have always been infatuated with makeup since I was little. More so my obsession was chapstick and lipgloss. I went so far to keep these little tubs to hold my lipgloss and chapstick and then would sit and catalog each one in a spiral for records. I’m telling you, I have always been organized. As you mature you need more and more products. Okay maybe not NEED but are fun to play and experiment with. I found this storage system 2 years ago and it has worked wonders for me ever since!

I personally have always liked getting ready at my desk in my room. If you do not have this space the bathroom area works as well. For me I have never been a girl who can do their makeup from a distance in the mirror. I need to be up close and personal. I created this area to allow me to be organized and be able to see all my products at once instead of cramming them in a makeup bag. The plus side to this is almost every single item I utilize on my desk for storage is from Amazon!
The first area is my main storage system. On the top I keep my lipstick bullets organized by a lipstick holder, I found mine on Amazon but I have also seen them in the dollar spot at Target! I also keep my eye brushes separate from my face brushes, I found this one at Target in the dollar spot but have linked a similar one on Amazon! My favorite way to store items is by reusing candle jars that I find aesthetically pleasing. I did this here with my Diptique candle holder for my Q tips. Honesty hour: I bought this candle for the soul reason to re purpose it for mu Q tips. Finally my extra self had to get a holder for my beauty blender, because treat yourself.
Moving onto drawer 2, on the left I keep my eye pencils, eyebrow products and lip liners. I like this storage as it keeps all of my pencil forms of products al together. If I had an obscene amount of any 1 of these things I might move it to a cup or a re used candle holder but I do not have that many! On the right I keep all of my foundations and powders. I will say I keep this drawer cleaned out frequently since you can not store many items in this drawer. If you love complexion products, I would suggest allocating more drawers for this! To help alleviate clutter and tight quarters in drawers although, anytime I add something new in a drawer I evaluate what I currently have and the last time I used it, and take anything out that doesn’t make the cut. This helps keep everything organized!
Finally the third drawer in this system which is probably my favorite one. Highlights, Bronzers and Blushes. I used to keep foundations in one of these drawers since it was deeper but since I don’t own that many of those products I could afford to move it to a shallow drawer. Not much science to this but highlights are on the left and blush and bronzer share a drawer to the right.

This smaller storage drawer was added a few months in when I needed a little extra space to organize my products. The first drawer contains all of my skin primers and sunscreens, drawer two has all of my concealers and some random lashes, and the final drawer holds all of my trial sized makeup and other odds and ends. I chose these products to store in this smaller system since there were less items in these categories and since the drawers were shallow. On the side of this storage I keep all of my larger pallets propped up on the side. You could definitely store these in a larger drawer but I like to have them visible for ease of use. Finally on top of the drawers are all my setting sprays and everyday foundation and powder. I like to have these accessible along will all of my face brushes, which I store in an old Bath and Body Works candle holder.
I think the key to your organizational method for makeup is functionality. You want your most used products handy and secondly, in my opinion, when I have these clear drawers it helps me keep cleaning out my products top of mind. I would love to know how you store your makeup?!